Elizabeth Straus The 26th International Nursing Philosophy Conference 2023

Elizabeth Straus

I am an autistic and disabled nurse scholar and educator whose research engages critical disability studies, critical autism studies, intersectional, neomaterialist, narrative, and arts-based approaches to inform and transform narratives of disability, and related structures and practices, in health care and education. I am currently a Postdoctoral Fellow with Re-Vision: The Centre for Art and Social Justice at the University of Guelph (Canada) and the principal investigator of "Beyond the Normative Knot: Life and Praxis at the Gender-Sexuality-Autism Nexus", a SSHRC-funded participatory multimedia storymaking and interview project that aims to challenge stereotypes about and expand narratives of gender, sexuality, and autism in mental health and education systems and society, especially with autistic people who identify as 2SLGBTQIA+. I also have a strong interest in disability and neurodivergence, critical access, crip(ping) practices, and belonging in nursing education and practice.

Abstracts this author is presenting: