Beverly Whelton The 26th International Nursing Philosophy Conference 2023

Beverly Whelton

Beverly J. Whelton, PhD, MSN, –Short Bio After working clinically for fifteen years with an A.D. in Nursing and a B.A. in Biology, Dr. Whelton obtained an MSN and taught Nursing for five years. She then returned to the classroom as a student to inquire into the foundations of practice and research with human subjects. She graduated with a Ph.D. in Philosophy with a dissertation in philosophy of the human sciences from The Catholic University of America (1996). During the years of acquiring her Ph.D. and before acquiring a full-time position, Whelton practiced nursing in acute home care and taught in undergraduate philosophy and graduate level Philosophy of Science at The Catholic University of America and University of Maryland. She lectures nationally and internationally on human life itself as a foundation for practice and Imogene King’s Framework and Theory at the interface between Philosophy and nursing practice. August 26, 2015, she provided the following paper at the 19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society Conference, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden: “ The Theory and Conceptual Systems of Imogene King: An extension of a 2300 year old Athenian perspective to frame person-centered care for a global health community in the 21st Century. Her chapter "The Nursing Act is an Excellent Human Act: A Philosophical Analysis Derived from Classical Philosophy and the Conceptual Framework and Theory of Imogene King," appeared as the second chapter in the graduate level text, Middle Range Theory Development Using King's Conceptual System, Christina Leibold Sieloff and Maureen Fry (editors), New York: Springer Publishing Company, 2007, pp. 12-28. Whelton’s Book coauthored with Jane Neuenschwander, EdD, Humanity at the Heart of Practice: a study of ethics for health-care students and practitioners became available, July 2019 ( Cambridge Scholars Publishers). The second book, A Study of Ethics for all Practitioners with foundations in humanity became available in 2022. Between the years 2005 and 2018, Whelton served as Vice-Chair of IPONS and from 2007 -2019 was Book Review Editor for the Americas, and on the Editorial Board of Nursing Philosophy. She continues to be available as a manuscript reviewer.

Abstracts this author is presenting: