Darlaine Jantzen The 26th International Nursing Philosophy Conference 2023

Darlaine Jantzen

Darlaine Jantzen, PhD, RN, has focused her academic career on how nurses learn to nurse well across the continuum of education, from undergraduate nursing education to continuing professional education, and across settings. Specific areas of interest include philosophy of nursing education, adult learning theory, experiential learning, and healthcare organizational culture, as it relates to workplace learning and excellence in nursing practice. Darlaine Jantzen is an Associate Professor (Trinity Western University) and teaches from in the undergraduate, MSN, and PhD programs. Darlaine’s interest in philosophy began long before her academic career. She is currently engaged in a new interest in moral philosophy and ethical frameworks for the nurse-society relationship. She has attended and presented at a number of IPONS conferences and co-hosted the 2019 IPONS conference in Victoria, BC. As current Chair of IPONS, Darlaine sees herself as a consumer of nursing philosophy, in that she is always looking for excellent, accessible, and relevant philosophical thinking to share with her students. Darlaine has a particular interest in growing the IPONS network globally in order to advance both philosophy in nursing and advancing education for strong philosophical grounding for the nursing practice.

Abstracts this author is presenting: