Poster Presentation The 26th International Nursing Philosophy Conference 2023

Addressing Nursing Workforce Sustainability: An Educator's Experience of Integrating a Strengths-Based Nursing Philosophy into Undergraduate Curriculum (#61)

Fiona M D'Costa-Box 1
  1. Swinburne University of Technology, Hawthorn, VIC, Australia

The COVID-19 pandemic has posed unprecedented challenges for the nursing workforce, including burnout, high turnover rates, and a shortage of qualified nurses. To address these issues and promote sustainability, undergraduate nursing programs must equip future nurses with the skills for sustainable and strengths-based care.

This presentation explores the impact of COVID-19 on the nursing workforce and emphasizes the importance of integrating strengths-based nursing (SBN) practices into undergraduate education. SBN focuses on identifying and utilizing patients' strengths to promote health and healing, leading to increased job satisfaction, reduced burnout, and improved patient outcomes.

At our nursing school, SBN is introduced as a foundational philosophy from the first year, first semester. By integrating SBN throughout the curriculum, we aim to develop compassionate, patient-centred, and resilient nursing professionals.

Considering the global impact of the pandemic on nursing practice and education, it is crucial to address the challenges faced by frontline nurses, including anxiety, and the need for organizational support, personal resilience, and social support. Global nursing initiatives, such as the International Council of Nurses and the Nursing Now global campaign, provide valuable insights into the role of nurses in leading the world to health.

This presentation delves into the theoretical foundation of SBN and its relevance to nursing education during COVID-19. It explores strategies for integrating SBN into undergraduate nursing curricula, drawing on lessons learned from global experiences. Successful examples of SBN implementation in our curriculum will be shared, highlighting the potential impact on the nursing workforce's sustainability.

By incorporating sustainable and strengths-based practices in undergraduate nursing education, starting from the first year, first semester, we can promote a high-quality and sustainable healthcare workforce. This presentation aims to inspire and equip nursing educators with the tools and knowledge needed to implement SBN as a guiding philosophy throughout their curriculum.

  1. Gottlieb, L. N., & Gottlieb, B. (2018). Strengths-based nursing care: Health and healing for persons and populations (4th ed.). Springer Publishing Company.
  2. Gottlieb, L. N. (2021). Creating Empowering Conditions for Nurses with Workplace Autonomy and Agency: How Healthcare Leaders Could Be Guided by Strengths-Based Nursing and Healthcare Leadership (SBNH-L). Journal of Healthcare Leadership, 13, 169–181. https://doi:10.2147/JHL.S221141
  3. Griffiths, P., Saville, C., Ball, J., Jones, J., Pattison, N., Monks, T. (2020). Nursing workload, nurse staffing methodologies and tools: A systematic scoping review and discussion. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 103, 103487. https://doi:10.1016/j.ijnurstu.2019.103487
  4. Halcomb, E., & Bird, S. (2020). Job Satisfaction and Career Intention of Australian General Practice Nurses: A Cross-Sectional Survey. Journal of nursing scholarship : an official publication of Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society of Nursing, 52(3), 270–280.
  5. International Council of Nurses. (2020). Nurses: A Voice to Lead Nursing the World to Health. Geneva, Switzerland: ICN.
  6. Labrague, L. J., & De Los Santos, J. A. A. (2020). COVID-19 anxiety among front-line nurses: Predictive role of organizational support, personal resilience, and social support. Journal of Nursing Management, 28(7), 1653–1661. https://doi:10.1111/jonm.13121
  7. Nursing Now global campaign.
  8. Swaithes, L., Dziedzic, K., Sharp, C. A., Ellis, B., & Walsh, N. (2020). Context, context, context: How has Covid-19 changed implementation globally and how can we 'lock in' learning? Rheumatology, 59(8), 1804–1807. https://doi:10.1093/rheumatology/keaa387
  9. World Health Organization. (2020). State of the world's nursing 2020: Investing in education, jobs and leadership.