Oral Presentation The 26th International Nursing Philosophy Conference 2023

Beyond Posthuman Uncertainty: Nietzsche and Antihumanist Nursing (#55)

Pawel Krol 1
  1. Université Laval, Québec, QC, Canada

Posthumanism is a fertile ground for new philosophical orientations that are interested in the challenges of humanity in the era of the modern Anthropocene. Nietzsche is one of the first Western philosophers to have questioned the anthropocentrism resulting from the Enlightenment hegemony: his works have shown its sources, drifts, and ways of overcoming – influencing the works of Heidegger, Deleuze, Foucault and beyond.

Nietzsche's analysis of anthropocentrism highlights the modern humanity nihilism who, in the name of reason and scientism, exploits Earth resources of the in order to produce an epistemological and technological utopia, which according to Nietzsche leads the modern humanity to its loss by the destruction of its world. Here, the Nietzschean critique is antimodern, and it calls for the overcoming, even the abandonment of modern anthropocentric morality.

Indeed, Nietzsche calls us to recognise that the Earth is not just a resource for exploitation, but a living, complex and interconnected ecosystem that needs love and respect. Indeed, we inevitably depend on this ecosystem for its material and energy reserves which ensure our sustainability - existence.

Far from asking us to go beyond our humanity towards an augmented one, as some branches of trans and post humanism suggest, Nietzsche asks us to surpass ourselves by abandoning our modern humanity for a return to harmony and respect for our Earth. This Nietzschean anti modernism orientation has explicit implications for nursing practice in the Anthropocene. Thus, starting from Nietzschean observations and proposals in the face of anthropocentrism, I propose micro, meso and macro ways for nursing practice to face our uncertain future. In short, I am going to show that it is possible, even necessary, for the profession to be anti-humanist, that is to say to constantly seek to increase the human being, his capacities or his longevity.